What I'd like to know is this - why is the Associated Press NOT making a big deal about this weekend's DISH Network dispute with Fox? I feel that if the AP had broadcast the story, the dispute would have been resolved by now and FX, Fox Sports Southwest, and other channels would be back on the air on DISH Network receivers. Since there has not been an official AP story about it, the channels are still not on the air; and DISH Network subscribers could stand to lose the FOX Network by November 1st if this dispute is not resolved. Problem is, I don't see the Associated Press stepping up to the plate and lending a hand to get this situation resolved; and I've heard rumors that, since it is a weekend, they don't care to air the story. I feel that airing the story would get enough DISH Network customers riled up enough to do something about it and help get the dispute resolved. Why isn't the AP making a big deal about it? Because it certainly IS a big deal!