It depends on if you mean "TiVo", or something "TiVo-like". TiVo is not available on your computer, but several products like it are.
If you have a PC, there is software that will give it the ability to act like a TiVo, and record television programs. However, that PC will need a television tuner card in it.
Assuming you do have a television tuner card, there are two solutions that immediately come to mind. First is Microsoft Windows Media Center. It's a version of Microsoft Windows XP with all the TiVo functionality. However, you can only get it with the purchase of new hardware (Like a TV tuner card or a new PC)
The other solution is MythTV. MythTV is an open source PVR (Personal Video Recorder) project, which you can get at
It works with many tuner cards, and assuming you have a decent hard disk, provides a lot of TiVo like funcationality, including recording your favorite shows.