How do I find someone to help me diagnose and set up my cable connections (multiple components) correctly?
2006-04-01 19:53:51 UTC
I have a new HD LCD TV (2 tuners), a HD cable box, a TIVO and a Recordable DVD player. I've connected the cable box directly to the TV with Component cables. I've connected the DVD player directly to the TV via composite/RCA cables. I've I've attempted to connect the TIVO, using coax, as follows: from the wall to the cable box, cable box to TIVO, TIVO to DVD, and then DVD to TV. My cable signal is great, my DVD signal is great...but the TIVO is a problem. I have the TIVO picture but no sound whatsoever. I can't figure it out what's going on at all. I need one of two things: advice from someone here, or advice on how to find someone or some company that can come in and help me figure this out.
Three answers:
2006-04-01 19:54:33 UTC
I'm good at this stuff. What state do you live in.
2006-04-02 04:04:59 UTC
You might try to connect the the Tivo with RCA wires. If that doesn't work, you might check with a local electronics store (Radio shack,Best Buy, Etc. Or the store you bought it all from) Diagram how you have the wires hooked up then ask them to tell you if it's right or not. You might also consider an A/V Switch. The switch allows all the inputs their own space, but only one output, some also have a second output for recording devices Clear as mud aint it :) Good luck
2006-04-02 03:55:26 UTC
Any cable guy trained at Viasource or Cablevision will know how to do this.

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